'フィーチャレイヤにAccessテーブルをテーブル結合 Public Sub JoinTabletoLayer() Dim pMxDocument As IMxDocument Set pMxDocument = ThisDocument Dim pFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer Set pFeatureLayer = pMxDocument.FocusMap.Layer(0) '最上位レイヤを取得 ' 'レイヤに表示されている属性テーブルの状態を取得する場合(フィルタ設定等を行っている場合) ' Dim pDisplayTable As IDisplayTable ' Set pDisplayTable = pFeatureLayer 'QI Dim pFeatureClass As IFeatureClass Set pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass ' Set pFeatureClass = pDisplayTable.DisplayTable 'Accessからテーブルを取得 Dim pWorkspaceFactory As IWorkspaceFactory Set pWorkspaceFactory = New AccessWorkspaceFactory Dim pFeatureWorkspace As IFeatureWorkspace Set pFeatureWorkspace = pWorkspaceFactory.OpenFromFile("D:\Workspace\db1.mdb", 0) Dim pTable As ITable Set pTable = pFeatureWorkspace.OpenTable("Table1") 'Accessのテーブル名 'メモリ上にリレーションシップを作成 Dim pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory As IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory Set pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory = New MemoryRelationshipClassFactory '結合キーフィールド名 Dim strOriginPrimaryKeyField As String Dim strOriginForeignKeyField As String strOriginPrimaryKeyField = "Field2" strOriginForeignKeyField = "FLAG1" Dim pRelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass Set pRelationshipClass = pMemoryRelationshipClassFactory.Open( _ "TabletoLayer", _ pTable, _ strOriginPrimaryKeyField, _ pFeatureClass, _ strOriginForeignKeyField, _ "forward", _ "backward", _ esriRelCardinalityOneToMany) 'IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory::Openの引数 '第1引数:テーブル結合の名称(GUIでは特に使用しません) '第2引数:結合先のテーブル '第3引数:結合先テーブルの結合キー(フィールド名) '第4引数:結合元のテーブル(フィーチャクラス) '第5引数:結合元テーブルの結合キー(フィールド名) '第6引数:ForwardPathLabel(この文字列で設定) '第7引数:BackwardPathLabel(この文字列で設定) '第8引数:リレーションシップ方法(1対1、1体多、多対多)テーブル結合の場合は上記設定とする 'テーブル結合を実行 Dim pDisplayRelationshipClass As IDisplayRelationshipClass Set pDisplayRelationshipClass = pFeatureLayer pDisplayRelationshipClass.DisplayRelationshipClass pRelationshipClass, _ esriLeftOuterJoin 'テーブル結合の高度な設定(すべてのレコードを保存) End Sub 'Developer Helpサンプル 'http://edndoc.esri.com/arcobjects/9.2/CPP_VB6_VBA_VCPP_Doc/COM_Samples_Docs/Tables/6691d042-b2e5-4e15-bc6c-99c8ea9289ce.htm Public Sub JoinTwoLayers() On Error GoTo EH Dim pDoc As IMxDocument Dim pMap As IMap Set pDoc = ThisDocument Set pMap = pDoc.FocusMap ' Get the first layer in the table on contents Dim pFeatLayer As IFeatureLayer Dim pDispTable As IDisplayTable Dim pFCLayer As IFeatureClass Dim pTLayer As ITable If pMap.LayerCount = 0 Then MsgBox "Must have at least one layer" Exit Sub End If Set pFeatLayer = pMap.Layer(0) Set pDispTable = pFeatLayer Set pFCLayer = pDispTable.DisplayTable Set pTLayer = pFCLayer ' Get the second layer in the table on contents Dim pFeat2Layer As IFeatureLayer Dim pDispTable2 As IDisplayTable Dim pFC2Layer As IFeatureClass Dim pT2Layer As ITable Set pFeat2Layer = pMap.Layer(1) Set pDispTable2 = pFeat2Layer Set pFC2Layer = pDispTable2.DisplayTable Set pT2Layer = pFC2Layer Dim pTTable As ITable Set pTTable = pDispTable2.DisplayTable ' Prompt for the join field, in this example both joined ' fields must be named the same. Dim strJnField As String strJnField = InputBox("Provide the name of the join field:", "Joining a table to a layer", _ "STATE_FIPS") ' Create virtual relate Dim pMemRelFact As IMemoryRelationshipClassFactory Dim pRelClass As IRelationshipClass Set pMemRelFact = New MemoryRelationshipClassFactory Set pRelClass = pMemRelFact.Open("TabletoLayer", pTTable, strJnField, pTLayer, _ strJnField, "forward", "backward", esriRelCardinalityOneToOne) ' use Relate to perform a join Dim pDispRC As IDisplayRelationshipClass Set pDispRC = pFeatLayer pDispRC.DisplayRelationshipClass pRelClass, esriLeftOuterJoin 'code to mimic the C code snippet Dim pRelQueryTableFactory As IRelQueryTableFactory Set pRelQueryTableFactory = New RelQueryTableFactory Dim pRelQueryTable As ITable Set pRelQueryTable = pRelQueryTableFactory.Open(pRelClass, True, Nothing, Nothing, "", True, False) Dim pBdyPointFC As IFeatureClass 'Set pBdyPointFC = pRelClass Set pBdyPointFC = pRelQueryTable Dim pFeatureLayer As IFeatureLayer Set pFeatureLayer = New FeatureLayer Set pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass = pBdyPointFC pFeatureLayer.Name = "Joined Layer" pMap.AddLayer pFeatureLayer pDoc.ActiveView.Refresh Exit Sub EH: MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description End Sub
2016/9/1 (木)